Creating dynamic queues with WMB V6 ?
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2007-09-04 13:28:44 UTC
If I would like to create a temporary queue within Message Broker V6 - how can I do that ?
2007-09-04 13:35:39 UTC
In an MQOutput node, specify QueueName = YourModelQueue
Then wire Out terminal of this MQOutput node and inspect LocalEnvironment.WrittenDestination to find out the generated queue name of the dynamic queue.
2007-09-06 10:10:50 UTC
If I follow this strategy and use MQOutput node to open model queue in order to get the new queue instance name and afterwards in Compute Node find out this name, how can I store the message on this new queue ? The question is actually: I am normally using MQOutput node for this operation and you have to provide in advance the queue name, which in the moment of defining the flow is not known. Is there any trick to do it or am I missing something ?
2007-09-06 10:10:57 UTC
If I follow this strategy and use MQOutput node to open model queue in order to get the new queue instance name and afterwards in Compute Node find out this name, how can I store the message on this new queue ? The question is actually: I am normally using MQOutput node for this operation and you have to provide in advance the queue name, which in the moment of defining the flow is not known. Is there any trick to do it or am I missing something ?
2007-09-06 13:01:51 UTC
You are missing two things...

1st is the concept of DestinationList which gives you the option of setting the output queue name in the LocalEnvironment right before reaching the MQOutput node. This way you would not hardcode a queue name in the properties, but only set the Property 'Destination Mode' to 'Destination List'.

2nd is the concept of a model queue. Why would you not know the name of your model queue ? When you set the name of the model queue in the MQOuput node, the message will not be put ON the model queue, but a *new queue* will be generated at runtime which will be *modeled* on the properties of the model queue. And the name of this new queue will be available to you in the LocalEnvironment after the MQOutput node.

Now where are you confused ?
2007-09-07 13:36:21 UTC
I made a small flow as recommended. And - it works ...

Thank you guys for your help.

2007-10-05 11:07:05 UTC
I want to get the response on MQGet node using a dynamic queue. is it possible how?
2007-10-05 12:01:13 UTC
If you can send the dynamic queue name to the flow having the MQGet node then you can set

SET InputLocalEnvironment.MQ.GET.QueueName='<DynamicQueueName>';

before the flow reaches the MQGet and fetch from the dynamic queue.


2007-09-11 07:53:21 UTC
Another question regarding this issue. When I implemented the flow with dynamic creation of queues, which can be permanent or temporary, by using MQOutput node and Model queue, I get from the MQOutput node the name of the new instance of the queue, which is stored in LocalEnvironment -and then I can use it further.

In the MQ Series documentation it is stated that it is also possible (when using MQOpen on Model Queue) to specify the part of the queue name generated by MQ Server, to get the complete name generated by the MQ Server or to define this name fully by your program (not by MQ Server). In that case, when we are defining the name of this dynamically created queue, we have also to take care that this name will be unique.

Now, how it can be done with Message Broker ? How can we by executing the first MQOutput on Model Queue, also define the name of the new instance of that Model Queue, not allowing MQ Server to generate this name for us ?
2007-09-11 19:24:53 UTC
Post by d***@at.ibm.com
In the MQ Series documentation it is stated that it
is also possible (when using MQOpen on Model Queue)
to specify the part of the queue name generated by MQ
Server, to get the complete name generated by the MQ
Server or to define this name fully by your program
(not by MQ Server). In that case, when we are
defining the name of this dynamically created queue,
we have also to take care that this name will be
Can you give us the details of which pdf and which section/Chapter/PageNo.
Post by d***@at.ibm.com
Now, how it can be done with Message Broker ? How can
we by executing the first MQOutput on Model Queue,
also define the name of the new instance of that
Model Queue, not allowing MQ Server to generate this
name for us ?
There is an indirect way to do this, but i'd first like to read what you read... I doubt if the MQOuput node can DEFINE a queue.
2007-09-13 09:47:40 UTC
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2007-09-14 05:27:00 UTC
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